SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Swansea, passed a legislative package on Wednesday that works to stimulate the sale of goods manufactured in Illinois or the United States and create local jobs.
“When we buy goods that are made in Illinois or America, we are not only getting superior products, but also putting people back to work,” Hoffman said. “Our taxpayer dollars should be used to create jobs for us here in the Metro-East and across all of Illinois.”
Hoffman’s legislative package includes House Bill 137, which mandates that state agencies must purchase American made products when making any type of purchase of goods. The second measure, House Bill 138, mandates that state agencies must purchase Illinois manufactured goods when making any type of purchase of goods, if possible. If no plausible source is found, they are then required to purchase products made in America.
The bills state that the products must be made up of more than 50 percent American or Illinoisan components. Certain restrictions are included, for items such as pharmaceutical drugs or when the price or quality does not meet the standards sought.
Hoffman’s measures aim to help Illinois and U.S. manufacturing by prioritizing goods made in Illinois and America, creating jobs along the way. The proposal brings Illinois into line with a practice that the Federal government has used since 1933 and multiple states that have requirements to spend taxpayer dollars on local products.
“As long as the state is not prioritizing Illinois and American products, we are losing out on economic opportunities,” Hoffman said. “This isn’t something new, let’s use our state’s buying power to buy Illinois or America and boost our state’s economy.”
Both House Bill 137 and House Bill 138 passed out of the House Wednesday and are awaiting further consideration in the Senate.
Rep Jay Hoffman
113th District
Springfield Office:
261-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0104
(217) 782-1333 FAX
District Office:
312 S. High St.
Belleville, IL 62220
(618) 416-7407
(618) 416-7409 FAX