CHICAGO – To offer a chance for residents to get a legislative update and voice their concerns, state Rep. Jaime Andrade (D-Chicago) will be holding a Coffee Shop Stop on Saturday, March 25 from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. at Dapper’s East, located at 2901 W. Addison St. in Chicago.

“As a legislator, one of my top priorities is to maintain a dialogue with residents,” Andrade said. “Having a meeting like this at a local, neighborhood hangout allows me to connect with residents and learn about what issues they are concerned about in an informal setting.”

Andrade will be available to residents to answer their questions regarding the state’s ongoing legislative session and budget negotiations.

“It’s important to me that I am accessible to working families who aren’t able to come to my office to receive assistance during normal office hours,” Andrade said. “I encourage folks to stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee over a discussion on the issues facing families in our community.”

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Andrade’s full-time constituent service office at (773) 267-2880 or

Rep Jaime AndradeRep Jaime Andrade

40th District

Visit Rep Jaime Andrade website

Springfield Office:
260-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8117
(217) 558-4551 FAX

District Office:
3657 N. Kedzie
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 267-2880
(773) 267-2840 FAX