CHICAGO – Concerned about the risks of lead contamination in school drinking water, state Rep. Justin Slaughter, D-Chicago, recently supported legislation that would require older school and daycare buildings to have their water systems tested.
“With an education system that uses older buildings, it’s crucial that we are proactive in ensuring our children are not exposed to the dangers of lead poisoning,” Slaughter said. “The tragedy that unfolded in Flint, Mich. has served as notice for communities around our state and around the country that we need to take this issue seriously.”
Senate Bill 550 mandates the testing of drinking water in schools and day cares that were built before 2000. Signed into law Tuesday, the bill requires water testing to be conducted by the end of 2017 for buildings built before 1987, which was when a ban on lead pipes initially took effect. Facilities built between 1987 and 2000 have until the end of 2018 to test their water systems.
“Every child deserves a safe learning environment, and through this testing we can help secure this goal,” Slaughter said. “In a city that relies on older infrastructure, we need to be accountable with what we serve our young students.”
For more information, please contact Slaughter’s constituent service office at 773-445-9700 or