EDWARDSVILLE, Ill. – Highlighting an essential service that helps seniors across Illinois, state Rep. Katie Stuart, D-Edwardsville, delivered Meals on Wheels to residents throughout the community Friday with volunteers from Main Street Community Center.

“Meals on Wheels is a critical program that deserves support from the state and our local community,” Stuart said. “Many seniors depend on these meals to survive and stay in their home, which is why we need to ensure funding for them.”

Stuart dropped off meals to seniors Friday morning through Main Street Community Center, a non-profit based in Edwardsville that provides health screenings, educational seminars and other senior services. The organization is in need of volunteers to assist with its various programs including Meals on Wheels. Those interested in helping can call 618-656-0300 to learn more.

“I encourage residents to contact the Main Street Community Center and schedule a time to lend a helping hand,” Stuart said. “It’s an opportunity to meet neighbors, provide an essential service, and give back to the community.”

For more information, please contact Stuart’s full-time constituent service office at 618-365-6650 or email repkatiestuart@gmail.com.


State Rep. Katie Stuart (left) delivers Meals on Wheels Friday.

Rep Katie StuartRep Katie Stuart

112th District

Springfield Office:
250-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-1051
(217) 782-0882 FAX

District Office:
2105 Vandalia St.
Unit #16
Collinsville, IL 62234

Phone: (618) 365-6650